Vlogging, blogging, and art oh my!

As stated in the title, I have started vlogging!

I have a tiny, blue canon camera from the early 2000’s. It’s very easy to carry around and a better option than my phone which has very little video space. So far I’m mainly focusing on my art and creation practices, but I’m not sure what they’ll evolve into yet! My goal is weekly videos, but again, I’m going with the flow and just trying to create!

Right now I am working on focusing! I have many ideas and mediums that are interesting to me, but I think I need to reign it in a little. I have plenty of time to come back to interests, and focus deeply on one or two projects for the moment. Deciding which projects make the cut is the hard part though. Ceramics is definitely making the cut. It’s all the things floating around in other mediums that are stressing me out. I’m worried they are functioning more as distractions than actual progress towards something. Printmaking and printing on clothes has been a long term interest, but I’m not sure it’s beneficial for me to be working on it now. Or I need to pick one or the other. I’m just not sure I can balance everything and still come out the other end with pieces and projects I’m happy with. Things like vlogging are beneficial on other fronts because they help me have a social media presence. However, I do need to think about my focus there too! I can’t be active on every social media, I have found that out very quickly. YouTube is classic and it’s something I have been on for a long time. It feels comfortable to be on because I am familiar with the platform. TikTok is not that, I tried a little bit on there, but I just don’t think it’s for me. Instagram is a struggle for me, because I feel the most connected to people on there, but Meta sure is garbo! Right now I’m mainly sticking to stories and not posting seriously on there. BlueSky is lovely, I enjoy posting there, but it’s hard for me to connect with people because no one I know is on the platform. That doesn’t make it bad, maybe it just has a lot of growing to do! Tumblr has been a weird one for me! I had a tumblr in high school and abandoned it my senior year. Starting a new one for art has made realize the platform is actually kind of nice! I like how much media you can throw onto one post and while I don’t get much engagement there yet, the community overall seems pretty lovely!

All that to say, I think I’m sticking with BlueSky, tumblr, youtube, and insta stories for now. Which is still a lot and not actually very focused, but I will have to think on it more! Facebook is good for the Queer Crafters group and the Queer Crafters group only! If you want to see posts from me that’s the best way though (and my website blog of course!).

Despite all the thinking I have to do, things are still going well! I am having fun making art, and having a lot of ideas is a nice change of pace for me! Last time I wrote one of these I invited folks to leave comments without realizing that wasn’t an option. This time I’m going to say shoot me an email from the contact page if you want to chat, because I do know that works!

All my best,


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