Empty Head Candle

1 in stock



Who is Empty Head?
Empty Head is a character created by me (Polar). He represents the lack of emotions you can feel when facing a bout of depression. Feeling so much that you feel nothing at all. However, even when not feeling your emotions they still manifest in a variety of ways. For me and Empty Head this meant a lot of crying without knowing why you’re crying and that’s why he has tears running down his face.

So what do you do with an Empty Head candle?
Well, you burn it! It does work as a normal candle! If you want to work with the concept though, this is how I’ve intended it. When you are struggling, light the candle and watch the tiny flame. As you watch try to find words within yourself and give them to your candle. They don’t have to be sentences at first, just whatever you can bring up out of your mind. If speaking doesn’t feel right try writing. Try doing this for at least five minutes. If you need to rest take that rest, then come back and try again. Really try to grab onto your emotions with words. By naming your emotions I have found it easier to then feel them and find their root. As things become clearer for you feel free to tell your candle anything. As it burns and you give your words and emotions to Empty Head he becomes more whole again and the stones on top become charged with energy.

Once he has burned for the last time keep the stones and remember everything you shared. The vessel itself can be made into another candle if you’d like, but he cannot be functional for food or beverages because he is pit fired. He can store trinkets though! Or even be a memory jar!

This particular candle has a smokey scent with soft spiced milk undertones.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information and/or pictures!