It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, but I wanted to pop in before the end of the year! I don’t know if I’ll post again before the actual end of 2024, but just in case, I’ll save reflection for then!
Instead, what I want to talk about is writing, specifically, writing about art!
I’ve got a bunch of pieces on my site at this point without very much to describe my thoughts about them. I want to change that (I started with the Water Series in the store), I want my intentions with my art to be clear. At least with some of the pieces. Not every piece has to be conceptual and it’s still beautiful art. Allowing others to develop their own thoughts without your intentions present is a move too! These are all things I’m considering as I move to include more writing on my site. Saying nothing is saying something and all that.
As far as generating writing I’ve found brainstorming and word association helpful. Especially if it’s on paper rather than typing. My ideas for the pieces have always existed, but translating them into words and, more than that, the message I’m trying to convey, that’s the harder part.
I think writing about my pieces is also helpful for being able to speak better about my pieces in person. Like I mentioned the thoughts and concepts to words pipeline is a struggle for me under pressure. I only feel under pressure though, because I haven’t reflected enough about how to convey the meaning of a piece. Writing therefore, is like a first draft for casually speaking about the thoughts and motivations behind my pieces.
It’s a work in progress, but I’m hoping that I’ll have some words for most of my pieces soon. Maybe that can be my New Years resolution, lol.